We value our creative partnerships with architects, interior designers, suppliers and subcontractors and are proud that our successful collaborations are recognized in the following books and magazines:

Modern Drama
East House

A Moveable Feat
East House

A Family’s Camp-Like Compound on MV

A New Tradition
Oyster Pond Estate

House of Stone
East House

Architecture the Way We Like It
The Nest

Greener Pastures
Grey Barn

Made to Move
East House

Construction with the Eye of a Shipwright

A Modern Collaboration
Meadow Lane

This Old Church, That New House
Federal Church Renovation

The Martha’s Vineyard Summer Home is as Cosy as it Gets
Meadow Beach House

New Life for an Aging Pilot Schooner
Schooner Alabama

A Statement of Beauty and Utility
Scots Zulu Violet